

15. 5. 202315. 5. 2023
Streaming services enjoy growing popularity in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, according to the Atmedia index survey.

According to the Atmedia Index survey 40% of people aged 15-69 (2.6 million Czechs) used at least one paid VOD service (SVOD) at least several times a month in the second half of last year in the Czech Republic. In Slovakia, the figure was slightly lower - 38% (1.3 million Slovaks). This is .

According to the survey, Czech and Slovak users use several paid VOD services at the same time. In the reporting period of the second half of last year, there were on average two services per Czech and Slovak user. "However, not everyone pays for all the services they use," says Pavel Müller from Atmedia, adding: "Some users access some streaming services through accounts shared with their friends and acquaintances. It is therefore not true that all 2.6 million Czechs and 1.3 million Slovaks are paying users."

The most used paid VOD service in the Czech and Slovak markets is Netflix by a wide margin. In the Czech Republic, more than two-thirds of all users of paid VOD services watched this streaming service in the second half of last year, while in Slovakia it was less than two-thirds. Also, the second and third place in the ranking of the most used paid VOD services were occupied by the same players in both markets - namely HBO Max and Voyo. The fourth place belongs to Disney+, which entered the Czech and Slovak markets in June 2022.
"The Czech and Slovak markets for paid VOD services are not nearly as saturated as some foreign markets in Western or Northern Europe, where many more viewers subscribe to streaming services. This is one of the reasons why new players are entering the Czech and Slovak markets,"

says Pavel Müller. In the satellite markets, he says, individual players are finding it more difficult, which is why they are choosing a new strategy, offering viewers more types of subscriptions, such as full subscriptions without advertising and cheaper subscriptions with advertising.

Similarities can be seen in the Czech and Slovak markets in the amount of money viewers spend on paid VOD services. In the case of users who pay for streaming services directly to the service provider, in the Czech Republic in the second half of last year it was on average CZK 297 per month, in Slovakia it was EUR 12 - CZK 295. Netflix is the most expensive service in both markets by a wide margin. The amounts for other paid VOD services such as HBO Max, Voyo or Disney+ are lower and do not differ much from each other.

ABOUT THE RESEARCH: The research was conducted by Ressolution / Nielsen using the CAWI method for the media representation of thematic TV stations Atmedia. 4,196 respondents (internet population aged 15-69) from the Czech National Panel and 3,031 respondents (internet population aged 15-69) from the Slovak National Panel participated in the survey. The survey was conducted in two waves for the third and fourth quarters of 2022 (Czech Republic: 4-16 October 2022, 2-15 January 2023, Slovakia: 14-28 October 2022, 2-17 January 2023

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