

7. 6. 20217. 6. 2021
Who does not want to advertise on TV? Today, anyone can do so. Including your hairdresser or a local car repair shop. The costs are minimal and in addition, the ad can be launched or switched off depending on the development of the current pandemic situation and easing of restrictions. How is it possible?

TV advertising is no longer a privilege of the largest brands thanks to digital marketing. More than half of Czech households are equipped with a smart TV set connected to the internet. More than two million Czechs use it to watch videos on YouTube every month (source: Median; 2020, Light TV Viewers).

It is an enormous opportunity practically for any firm to get on a big screen with perfect sound in the middle of a living room using YouTube advertising. The price is comparable to video ads on mobile phones or desktops.

I have had experience with video advertising on YouTube since 2014 and so every Christmas I watch the growing impression share of video ads of Marketup’s clients on smart TV with anticipation and astonishment. The coronavirus year has accelerated the trend. The time spent on YouTube has grown 80 percent year-on-year (data for June 2020). The crucial advantage compared to linear TV advertising are the life-hacks of the digital world, such as detailed demographics targeting (not just based on age and gender but also parental status, employment, education or interests) or an option to cap frequency. Thanks to this, you can prevent viewers from being oversaturated by seeing the same ad over and over. And in addition, you will save a lot of money.

You will hardly find a more effective ad medium for brand building and awareness. Despite of that, many firms do not use digital video. They are not aware that they are able to produce quality video content.

Even small companies often need just nothing more than several simple steps to tell their stories. They mostly produce content for social networks that may be used as the basis for a simple motion video. Or they have organised several video conference over the last year that may provide good material to be edited. Another option is using corporate video that many companies place on their websites and cut it into six to fifteen second ad formats. If a client really has not produced any video material and lacks huge budgets, there is always an option to make video creatives through animating static snapshots, distinctive brand assets and quality copywriting.

The advantage is that the video does not have to meet the quality parameters required for broadcast TV advertising. Digital viewers are used to the quality of videos made by youtoubers with their mobile phones or compacts. The videos do not necessarily have to have a high production value but they are comparable in terms of effectiveness; it is important to have believable content that resonates well with the audience. Viewers will then forgive you slightly unprofessional outcome.

Digital video advertising is a trend of the last five years across the globe, from our country in the central Europe to Australia where video ad investments grew in the last quarter of 2020 by more than 40 percent. But not everyone is able to assess its impact correctly. I very rarely come across the use of metrics for brand awareness uplift to assess the success rate of the entire campaign. And I am not talking about hairdressers or a local car mechanic but about big global corporations. They keep assessing their campaigns using secondary metrics, such as reach and frequency, video completion rate or even CPM.

In the last seven years, I have completed more than 100 brand lift studies and thanks to them I know now that a high view rate does not indicate quality. On the contrary, my experience often shows that a higher level of brand or product awareness was achieved by ad skippers. Skipping an ad after several seconds is clear evidence that there is somebody sitting in front of the device and watching the ad and that the person did not go to the toilet during the ad break, which is often the case with linear TV advertising.

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